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ORO Gold



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ORO Gold(圖1)-速報App

ORO is a brand that has established itself as a trustworthy and innovative gold product manufacturer in the jewellery sector of India and abroad by “Raia Jewels Pvt Ltd” , since early 2009. However, our expertise as jewellery manufacturers comes from a heritage of over 125 years and we are constantly innovating our products and styles to match our expertise with constantly evolving technology.

This is only the beginning of what makes “ORO” the right choice – the trusted choice – as a business partner. The world’s leading jewelry retailers have worked with Raia Jewels for over two decades because they demand the exceptional results that only a global leader in jewelry manufacturing can provide.

ORO Gold(圖2)-速報App

ORO Gold(圖3)-速報App

ORO Gold(圖4)-速報App

ORO Gold(圖5)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad